Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wellness in Guarjila

Wellness in Guarjila

Over the past couple of months my morning hours have been occupied
with many visit from mom’s and dad’s who come to the office just to
talk about stress related issues. Many of the issues are related to
the fear of the new highway and losing their homes, economics, health
care concerns, and some depression related to children being so far
away in the Unites States. According to Dr. Dagaberto he is also
seeing the same kind of issues with his patients in the clinic here in

This has led us to develop with Santos Alfaro spaces for adult
recreation and exercise. The programs include walking, hiking,
swimming, indoor soccer and exercise classes which are being made
available to all adults in Guarjila. There is no question how
important these programs will become as part of an overall wellness
program for the people of this town. Like in the US there are still
skeptics that would still prefer expensive prescription medicine to
exercise and diet. We hope individual success will inspire others to
try on “wellness”.

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